English, level B1.

English, level B1.

Intermediate level

About the course

This level allows you to understand and use basic grammatical constructions and vocabulary of communication on practical topics. You will be able to understand and use complex sentences and questions in written and oral forms.


«Threshold» or intermediate level of English. Vocabulary 2750-3250 words. At this level you will be able to:

  • correctly understand the essence of statements on topics familiar to you (job, school, leisure);
  • interpret in most situations that arises while in travelling to an English-speaking country.;
  • describe impressions, events, dreams, hopes and aspirations, summarize and justify your opinion.;
  • watch English films in the original, but sometimes you can guess what is happening only from the image on the screen.;
  • read the simplest instructions, as well as advertising brochures, letters, short official documents;
  • write a coherent message (essay, letter, instruction) in English on topics that familiar or interesting to you..


The English language program is a broad stepped springboard course «SENIOR PROGRAM»

Learning languages happens through the debates, which allows students to form their fluent communication skills, argumentation of speech and oratory: 

Senior discussion course 1- Introduction to debates. This course is for B1 level and designed for older leaners to familiarize themselves with the basic principles of debating in English;
Syllabus of Senior Discussion Course 1
1. Who has a greater role in the process of education of the young generation: teachers or parents?
2. Who has more responsibilities in the family: the father or the mother?
3. Who is stronger in teaching: a young or an old teacher?
4. Who studies better: a pupil who is afraid of teacher or a pupil who is not?
5. Is it proper to pupils to assess teachers' methods of teaching?
  Control work
6. Is it better to have a family with many or a family with few children?
7. Is imitation good or bad
8. Do you prefer to buy cheap or expensive things?
9. Do you prefer to study at private or state school?
10. What is criticizing?
  Control work
11. Is it good to reduce the number of guests to parties?
12. What is internet?
13. Is it proper to wear uniforms for pupils?
14. Is it proper for women to have a social work or be housewives?
15. Television in Modern Life
  Control work
16. Which type of learning is better: a group or an individual?
17. Family chores
18. Grading
19. Is it better to be the oldest or the youngest in the family?
20. Two-income families


All Senior courses are aimed at developing analytical and critical thinking of students in English. 

280.00 TJS/month

Group lessons

3 lessons per week

9 Months / Day and evening

Age: from 16 to 40 years.