Abduhamedova Maysara Valievna

Abduhamedova Maysara Valievna

English teacher of the highest category
Since 18 May 2023



- 1998-2005 – Khujand State University named after B. Gafurov, the faculty of foreign languages.

- 2011-2012 – «Mentor Program» (US embassy certificate);

- 2013 – Montana State University in the USA (Certificate “Program teaching excellence and achievement”);

- 2013 –Washington DC (TEA program) Certificate “Program teaching excellence and achievement”);

- 2015 – Delhi University «ITEC» program, certificate;

Professional activity:

- 2005-2009 – Gymnasium №1 in Khujand city, English teacher;

- 2009-2017 – State educational establishment, presidential school for gifted children of Buston city, English teacher;

- 2017-2021– Private school «Gulchiny Marifat», English teacher.

- Since 2022 to present time– PО «MHC» named after W. Shakespeare, English teacher of B1 level

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