Okhunov Firuz Ilhomovich

Okhunov Firuz Ilhomovich

Trainer of the English debate courses
Since 18 May 2023



- 2019-2023 - Institute of Economics and Trade of the Tajik state university of Commerce, the faculty of economics and innovative technologies.

- 2018-2019 - Nanchang University (China), exchange student;

- 2022 – University of Cantabria (Spain), Erasmus + International credit mobility;

- 2023 – University of management in Varna (Bulgaria), Erasmus+ International credit mobility;

- 2014-2016 - PО «MHC» named after W. Shakespeare, intensive courses of psychology, philosophy and human studies;

Professional activity:

- 2016-2017 – a volunteer, PО «MHC» named after W. Shakespeare;

- 2017-2018 – an examination process inspector, PО «MHC» named after W. Shakespeare;

- 2018-2019 – a chief inspector of the examination process PО «MHC» named after W. Shakespeare;

- 2019-2020 - project and external relations coordinator, PО «MHC » named after W. Shakespeare;

- Since 2020 to present time - PО «MHC» named after W. Shakespeare, a teacher of intensive philosophy and critical thinking.

- 2023 – an external relations coordinator, international center of Institute of Economics and Trade of the Tajik state university of Commerce.

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