Shodiev Azamjon Murodjonovich

Shodiev Azamjon Murodjonovich

English teacher of first category
Since 18 May 2023



- 1995-2000. – Khujand State University named after B. Gafurov, the faculty of foreign languages, English German specialist.

- 2013-2015 – Moscow Agricultural Engineering University named after V.P. Gorechkin, the faculty of “Engineering and pedagogical” specialty engineer teacher.

Pedagogical activity:

- 2000-2004 – Secondary school №6 of Khujand city, English teacher;

- 2003 – Secondary school №28 of Khujand city, computer science teacher in English;

- Since 2015 to present time- Institute of Economics and Trade of Tajik state university in the city of Khujand, senior teacher of computer science and concept of modern natural science in English;

- Since 2015 to present time – PО «MHC» named after William Shakespeare, English teacher of A1 and A2 levels.

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