Urunova Hamida Umarboevna

Urunova Hamida Umarboevna

Director of organization, Doctor of Social Sciences
Since 18 May 2023



- 1999-2004 –Khujand State University named after B.Gafur, the faculty of foreign languages;

- 2004 – International Program of «Аgа-Khana» «Human science» for Central Asia (Certificate);

Scientific activity:

- 2012 – Defense of the dissertation at the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, candidate of pedagogical science;

- 2021–Defense of the dissertation in the International Atlantic University of the USA, state Hawaii, Doctor of Social Sciences

Pedagogical activity:

- 2004-2019– PITTU named after Osimi M, English teacher;

- 2006 –the founder and the director of the PО “MHC”  named after W. Shakespeare

- 2019-2020 – Institute of Economy and Trade of the Tajik State University of Commerce in Khujand, a philosophy teacher.

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