Забони англисӣ А2 - JUNIOR.

Забони англисӣ А2 - JUNIOR.

Забони англисӣ, дараҷаи A2 JUNIOR (Барномаи баҳс).

Junior Discussion Program (JDP) як барнома барои кӯдакони сатҳи баланд аст. Барномаи мазкур барои кӯдакони аз 8 то 14 сола, ки курси ибтидоиро бомуваффақият хатм намудаанд, бо мақсади рушди малакаҳои нутқ ва қобилиятҳои ибтидоии таҳлилии онҳо пешбинӣ шудааст.



Барои курси бачагона адабиёти зерин истифода мешавад:

  1. Compulsory reading – 3 месяца,
  2. Analytical reading – 3 месяца;
  3. Introduction to Discussion, Grammar 2 – 5 месяцев;


Junior Program A2 Topics
1. What regime do you want to have?
2. What is better: to have much acquaintance or be alienated from them?
3. Do you believe mothers and fathers should do the same chores? (work)
4. School Grading (отметки)
5. Which type of learning is better: individual or group?
  Control work
6. Is it better to live in house or apartment?
7. Is it proper to tell lie or it is sin?
8. Is it proper to ask parents money when you are small (under 10 years old)?
9. Case study 1. What is better to wear: our national or foreign clothes?
10. Motivation of envy
  Control work
11. Motivation of fear: I am afraid of hardship
12. Motivation of shame: I don’t want to be a laughing stock
13. About people living and studying at the expense of others
14. Is it better to study in Russian or Tajik group?
15. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having strict parents?
  Control work
16. Case – study 2. Television. Aspirin.
17. Is it better to be the oldest or the youngest in the family?
18. Is it better to have a two-income families or one-come families?
270.00 смн/моҳ

Дарсҳои гурӯҳӣ

3 дарс дар як ҳафта

Давомнокӣ - 6 моҳ

Синну сол: аз 8 то 16 сола.