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1 Questions 1-5 2 Questions 6-10 3 Questions 11-15 4 Questions 16-20 5 Questions 21-31 6 Questions 32-40 7 Questions 40-50 8 Questions 51-60 9 End


Where can you see these notices?


For questions 1 to 5, mark one letter A, B or C on your Answer Sheet.

1. Please leave your room key at Reception. For questions 1 to 5, mark one letter A, B or C on your Answer Sheet.
A - in a shop
B - in a hotel
C - in a taxi
2. Foreign money changed here.For questions 1 to 5, mark one letter A, B or C on your Answer Sheet.
A - in a library
B - in a bank
C - in a police station
3. Afternoon show begins at 2 pm.For questions 1 to 5, mark one letter A, B or C on your Answer Sheet.
A - outside a theatre
B - outside a supermarket
C - outside a restaurant
4. Closed for holidays. Lessons start again on the 8 th january.For questions 1 to 5, mark one letter A, B or C on your Answer Sheet.
A - at a travel agent's
B - at a music school
C - at a restaurant
5. Price per night: £10 a tent, £5 a person.For questions 1 to 5, mark one letter A, B or C on your Answer Sheet.
A - at a cinema
B - in a hotel
C - on a camp-site
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